Autonomous Cars by Google vs Uber

August 15, 2021

Are you excited about the future of transportation? We certainly are! Autonomous cars are an exciting technology that could revolutionize the way we move around. In this blog post, we compare the two big players in the autonomous vehicle market: Google and Uber. Who has the better technology and who will win the race towards fully autonomous cars? Buckle up, and let's find out!

Google's Waymo

Google has been working on autonomous vehicle technology for over a decade. Waymo is Google's autonomous vehicle subsidiary and currently the leader in the industry. According to the latest reports, Waymo has logged over 20 million miles of autonomous driving on public roads, almost double that of its closest competitor.

Waymo uses an advanced LiDAR system, which is a remote sensing technology that uses laser pulses to measure distances. This system generates millions of data points per second to create a 3D image of the vehicle's surroundings. Waymo also uses radar, cameras, and high-definition maps to navigate, making it one of the most sophisticated autonomous driving systems in the industry.

Uber's Autonomous Vehicles

Uber's autonomous vehicle program has been a bit bumpy. In 2016, they launched an autonomous vehicle fleet in Pittsburgh, but one of their cars struck a pedestrian in 2018, leading to the suspension of their program. Since then, they've resumed operations in some cities using a new autonomous vehicle known as the "Pittsburgh car."

Uber uses a combination of LiDAR, radar, and cameras to navigate, but it's not as advanced as Waymo's technology. The company has also struggled with safety issues and, as a result, has put a greater emphasis on safety in recent years, incorporating new features to prevent accidents.

Comparing the Technologies

It's clear that Google has an advantage in the race towards fully autonomous vehicles. Waymo's technology is more sophisticated than Uber's, and they've logged far more miles. However, it's worth noting that Uber has made significant progress in recent years, and they've invested heavily in their autonomous vehicle program.

But it's not just about the technology. The regulations surrounding autonomous cars vary by state, and each company will need to navigate these regulations to bring mass-produced autonomous vehicles to market.


When it comes to autonomous vehicles, it's clear that Google's Waymo is currently ahead of Uber. With over 20 million miles of autonomous driving under their belt, Waymo has the most advanced technology in the industry. However, Uber has made significant strides in recent years, and they're not to be counted out just yet.

We're excited to see how this race to fully autonomous vehicles continues to unfold.


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